I just finished reading 'Paths of Glory' by 'Jeffrey Archer' and liked it. I wanted to share my experience and some information about the book with my readers.
'Paths of Glory' is not the usual Jeffrey Archer novel which depicts a ruthless rivalry between two people. It's a story of a man who attempted to climb the Mount Everest in the 1920s. Although there is some rivalry between the protagonist of the novel and another person, it is very healthy. I am not going to write whether he was able to achieve it or not. For that you need to read the novel.
What the novel does is present before the readers how ambition can drive a man to do anything irrespective of the risks it involves. It also shows how our decisions affect others around us and the kind of sacrifices they have to make for us to pursue our ambition.
I have always been fascinated by books and movies which ask us to pursue our dreams. Though this book didn't try and do so, it certainly had its elements. It doesn't have breaknech speed narrative and is pretty easy to read. Do try it.